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Simply is the sponsored Podcast of DealHQ Partners, where we engage thought leaders on trending issues around law and business in the most simplistic manner.
Our Tosin Ajose joins Mrs. Nkemdilim Uwaje Begho, the CEO of Future Software Resources Limited and a Non-Executive Director in Stanbic IBTC Bank who is recognized as a seasoned digital transformation executive and one of Forbes top 10 female tech founder in Africa in conversations around the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement and the role of technology in achieving competitiveness in Africa’s new borderless and integrated market.
This episode examines the role of digital in fast-tracking the gains of AFCFTA, how technology and innovation will facilitate connectedness and a truly homogeneous market, big data, data share, and regional collaboration, and how Nigeria can position itself for competitive advantage in the free zone
Listen here: linktr.ee/DealHQ
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